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Thiết bị đo lường kiểm nghiệm, phân tích, KCS

Máy đo độ phát quang Awareness LumiStat

LumiStat TM Microstrip Luminometer

Economical - Self-referencing - User programmable CLIA for Every Lab

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  • Automatic strip transportation.
  • 3-strip loading capacity for 8-well or 12-well strips.
  • Easy to use with step-by-step prompting and on-board graphics printer.
  • On-board software calculates RLU s, multi-point calibration, and regression curves.
  • Large non-volatile memory stores more than 100 user-entered tests.
  • NRTL and CE certified.

The increased range and sensitivity of CLIA (Chemi Luminescent Immuno Assays) is no longer just for high volume labs. LumiStatTM, the first CLIA micro strip reader, brings this technology to any size lab. LumiStatTM reads break-apart wells up to 12 wells per strip, and calculates results instantly and automatically. LumiStatTM is an open system, allowing users to program a wide variety of glow-type CLIAs. Test names and parameters are stored in a large on-board memory for easy recall.

Simply select an assay from the stored menu, load the strips, and close the door. LumiStatTM automatically blanks and advances the strip well by well, precisely measuring and reporting the light output from each. LumiStatTM runs hormones and many other applications with on-board calculations for point-to point, linear and log regressions, and log logit modes. A built-in reference assures continuous calibration.